Zishaan Hayath stands as a trailblazer in the ever-evolving realm of educational technology, spearheading a transformative shift in traditional instructional methods. Through his brainchild, Toppr, Hayath...
In the realm of education technology, Mukul Rustagi and Bhaswat Agarwal stand out as the driving forces behind Classplus, a New Delhi-based start-up that is revolutionizing...
Marking their imprint on Bengaluru’s dynamic business scene, IndiQube‘s 31st property in Hebbal is emerging as a testament to their commitment to innovation. Originally envisioned as...
In the fast-paced world of urban mobility, where innovation meets the road, Vivekananda Hallekere has carved a niche for himself as the co-founder and chief executive...
In the kaleidoscope of India’s co-working panorama, one entity stands out as a beacon of innovation and community spirit—91springboard. Guided by the visionary trio of Anand...