In the bustling city of Bengaluru, where urban landscapes and commercial endeavours dominate, a trio of individuals is quietly spearheading a movement toward sustainable farming. Ashok,...
In the bustling landscape of online education technology, Gradeup, founded by three dynamic engineers—Vibhu Bhushan, Shobhit Bhatnagar, and Sanjeev Kumar—stands out with a unique approach that...
Frustration, for Shobhit Banga, became a catalyst for motivation rather than a roadblock. As a first-generation entrepreneur, Banga’s journey took an unexpected turn at the age...
In the rapidly evolving landscape of online education, the formidable partnership of Ronnie Screwvala and Mayank Kumar has given rise to Upgrad, a trailblazer in the...
In the realm of fintech, Kunal Shah, the founder of Cred, has set out to build more than just a credit card payments app; he’s cultivating...
Kavin Mittal, the resilient force behind messaging service startup Hike, has weathered storms and emerged with a strategic vision to redefine the company’s trajectory. From being...
In the dynamic landscape of the gig economy, Bhaskar Kode, the founder of Bon Credit, is on a mission to redefine financial inclusion for gig workers...
In the intricate landscape of venture capital, where deals are scrutinized, negotiated, and structured, Bengaluru-based early-stage venture capital firm 3one4 Capital stands out for more than...
In the heart of Mumbai, where the flickering flames of a fire can evoke nightmares, Shiv Kampani, now 16, is rewriting the script of fire safety....
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, health consciousness has taken center stage, driving the demand for innovative health monitoring solutions. Addressing this need is Inito,...