In the world of entrepreneurship, it’s not uncommon for individuals to embark on multiple ventures, each with its unique challenges and opportunities. Anish Basu Roy, a...
Ami Bhansali is the Founder and CEO at Chai Diaries Teas which is a worldwide tea brand whose mission is to help you practice care in...
Scene Changing Fitness Entrepreneur, Kevin Curry Kevin Curry is the founder of Fit Men Cook, an online community that inspires men and women to eat healthy...
23-year old Tom Honey is the organizer of Stoned Pizza, a wood fire pizza organization with a distinction. Tom began the organization as a vacation worker...
Yash Bhanage is the founder and COO, The Bombay Canteen, who is an IHM Goa graduate. He is likewise the organizer of Hunger Inc. Hunger Inc....
Brad Lau is a Singaporean online character and food essayist. He is the main proofreader and author of the food and travel site,, which is...
India’s most loved and one of the youngest and the most food bloggers of India, Sarah Hussain’s Zingyzest has reached different heights and all of this...
Kirti Bhoutika is one of the most popular pastry chefs in our country. She is the youngest MasterChef India. Born in 1996 in Kolkata she was...
In Dec 2016 a two and a half minute video of Nandlal Chole Bhature went viral and received 10 lakh views within a few days. That’s...
Karan Dua, a local Delhi guy, who is a big foodie started a team of Dilsefoodie(youtube channel) who cooks, eats, travels on busy streets of Delhi...