Yoga Girl aka Rachel Brathen

Rachel Brathen is an incredibly famous yoga teacher known for her rousing lessons living with her family in Aruba. She is the New York Times smash hit creator of Yoga Girl and an incredibly famous yoga teacher who shows studios and leads withdraws all throughout the planet. She is the originator of, an online stage for yoga, contemplation, and recuperating, just as Island Yoga, the biggest yoga studio in the Caribbean.
Brathen established a yoga studio called Island Yoga Aruba just as the yoga video administration oneOeight and the non-benefit 109 World. In 2017, Forbes named Brathen to its rundown of the main online media powerhouses in the wellness classification.
In the wake of moving on from school in Stockholm, she headed out to Costa Rica where she established the delight of consolidating yoga into her regular day to day existence.
Extending her yoga practice and starting educating, she moved to Central America where she went through years investigating the multifaceted investigations of yoga and otherworldliness. In the wake of moving to Aruba mid 2010, she started showing yoga full time with her classes being dynamic Vinyasa Flow and zeroed in on coordinating arrangement, center work, and breathing strategies with essential stances and imaginative sequencing.
Rewarding the local area has consistently been at the focal point of every last bit of her drives and with the assistance of great staff and volunteers, Rachel Brathen runs two non-benefit associations: Sgt Pepper’s Friends, a creature salvage establishment situated in Aruba, and Yoga Girl Foundation, profiting ladies and kids out of luck.