Tips to be healthy in Monsoon Season

With the arrival of the monsoon season comes the risk of contracting dangerous diseases such as Malaria and Dengue fever. Monsoon is the season of relief after the summer, but water-logged problems arise at the beginning of this season, leading to health disorders.
Monsoon Package Advance is a vital test package in the monsoon to keep your health. One is Monsoon Package Basic and Monsoon Package Advance. Let’s know more about the package in detail:
Parameters of Monsoon Basic and Advance Package
The Monsoon Health Package consists of the following essential tests:-
- Complete Blood Count and Erecthyocite Sedimentation Rate Test
- Dengue Duo Test
- Malaria Antigen Test
- WIDAL test for Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever
- Urine Test
- Blood Test
- Liver Function Test
Get this test done by the trusted doctors of Redcliffe Labs at an affordable cost. It is one of the leading health brands offering over 3600 plus tests in India, and branches are located in more than 120 cities in India. Along with this, you get a free home sample collection and a free consultation from the doctors.
Let’s continue with the tips for keeping yourself healthy even during the monsoon season.
Healthy Tips:
Here are some healthy tips to keep an individual healthy. Let’s jump in:
- Foods Rich in Vitamin C
Monsoon means increased skin allergies, viral and bacterial infection, or fever. To protect yourself from these diseases, one needs to consume foods rich in Vitamin C. Sprouts, green vegetables, and citrus foods are perfect sources of Vitamin C.
- Avoid Junk Foods
One of the secrets to leading a healthy life is avoiding unhealthy or junk foods. Fatty foods like burgers, noodles, french fries, etc., come under junk foods, and one needs to avoid junk foods to be healthy during the monsoon season.
- Drink Enough Water
Drink enough water to regulate the body temperature and to be in good health. Enough water intake reduces the chance of dehydration and other sorts of health diseases.
- Consume Probiotic Foods
Yogurt, Kimchi, pickles, etc., are some probiotic foods that support your immune system. It prepares the body to fight against bacterial or viral fever and creates a healthy digestive system.
- Get rid of stagnant water
Stagnant water means the rise of dengue and malaria. Hence, it is highly advisable to get rid of the stagnant water. If you ever come across the symptoms of dengue or malaria, then, in that case, you must go for Malaria or Dengue Antigen Test.
- Fruits and Vegetables
More consumption of fruits and vegetables is the best way to keep yourself fit. Apart from this, a healthy and balanced diet is also recommended by the health experts of Redcliffe Labs to keep yourself healthy.
- Regular Excercise
Regular exercise is imperative to maintain the body’s weight and stay fit. Exercise not only helps in losing weight, but it also helps build up your immune system to make the body capable of fighting various diseases.
- Wet Shoes
Stop wearing wet shoes in the monsoon. Dry them properly before wearing them, or it can make you sick. Wearing wet shoes also make your skin turns clear white.
- Maintain Hygiene
Maintain hygiene by washing your hand and keeping your clothes clean. Apart from this, wear long sleeves cloth to protect your exposed skin from the bite of mosquitoes. In addition, apply mosquito repellent cream to protect your skin.
- Protect yourself from allergies
Drenching rain often leads to skin allergy as the raindrop gets mixed with harmful chemical substances. These chemical substances, which are integrated with rain, result in allergic reactions. Therefore, consult the doctor and get proper anti-allergic medications to save yourself from allergies.
It is agreed that monsoon is the season of romance that makes a person feel joyous but keeping your health on good terms is also essential. Hence, the monsoon advance package is recommended if you face any symptoms of severe health issues.
Why do people fall primarily ill in the rainy season?
The rainwater during the monsoon season contains germs and harmful bacterias, which is responsible for making people sick. The polluted air gets mixed with raindrops, leading to high fever or sometimes even malaria or dengue. An umbrella is a must thing to carry in the rainy season to protect one from various diseases.
However, getting yourself tested with the Monsoon Basic Package is advisable just to keep a quick check on your health.
What types of diseases are common in Rainy Seasons?
Dengue and Malaria are the most common type of diseases in the rainy season. Apart from this, cholera, chikungunya, typhoid, diarrhea, and viral and bacterial fever are associated with the rise of the rainy season. The one-stop solution to cure these diseases is to connect with a good diagnostic for a Monsoon basic health package and get effective treatment.
How does the rainy season affect the health of people?
The rainy season may have a harmful effect on people and can make them sick. It may also lead to stomach pain or eye irritation and sometimes lead to skin allergies.
In a Nutshell
No doubt, the monsoon is the season to sit back and have chai and pakoras, but it is also the season where the emergence of health issues is at its peak. The health issues can be avoided by getting a practical test from a renowned laboratory near me.
If you have encountered any symptoms like high fever, nausea, headache, and so on, then book your appointment soon for the basic monsoon package.