The path to entrepreneurship often unfolds unexpectedly, as exemplified by the journey of Ishan Sharma. What began as a quest for self-improvement led him down a...
The scented candle industry has witnessed a remarkable transformation, evolving from mere utility to becoming an integral part of home décor, with fragrances like lavender, rosemary,...
Vijay Arisetty’s journey from serving in the Indian Air Force to co-founding MyGate, a groundbreaking community security platform, exemplifies the spirit of entrepreneurship, innovation, and social...
From Uber to Educator Vaibhav Sisinty, the visionary founder of edtech startup GrowthSchool, has embarked on a mission to revolutionize the world of education and growth...
Prashant Pitti, the co-founder of EaseMyTrip, has defied conventional norms and carved a distinctive niche in the highly competitive online travel aggregation market. While his counterparts...
Meena Ganesh, the Chairperson and Co-founder of Bengaluru-based healthtech startup Portea Medical, is a visionary entrepreneur who has made significant strides in the healthcare industry. With...
In a world where fashion and finance intersect, Viraj Datt has carved a unique path by turning his passion for sneakers into a thriving business venture....
In a world where financial literacy is often overlooked, two young visionaries, Vea Jain and Akarshi Gaur, are reshaping the landscape by introducing children to the...
Inspiration Sparks Innovation As a child, Vani Jain always had an independent streak, yearning to forge her own path rather than follow the conventional route of...
In a world where conventional paths often dictate our choices, there are a few individuals who dare to defy norms and carve their own remarkable journeys....