In the world of frozen desserts, there’s a significant distinction between ice cream and its counterparts, and Taranjit Singh, the Director and third-generation entrepreneur of Giani...
Nagendra Kumar Raja, the founder of TejaSoft Innovations, epitomizes the journey of a scientist-turned-entrepreneur whose relentless pursuit of technological excellence has spanned nearly three decades. His...
Starting a business is a journey full of challenges, but scaling it can be an even greater ordeal, often leading to unforeseen issues. This is where...
Ankush Kakkar’s journey from helping his father run a woollen shawl business to building a luxurious resort in Himachal Pradesh is a tale of resilience, determination,...
Namit Bajoria, the visionary behind Kutchina Home Makers Pvt Ltd, has taken the road less traveled, navigating the twists and turns of entrepreneurship to build a...
Meet Keshav Rai, a 27-year-old entrepreneur who defied academic expectations and turned his passion for innovation into a successful business venture. While he may not have...
Dharambir Kamboj’s journey from humble beginnings in a Haryana village to becoming a successful entrepreneur is a testament to his resilience and unwavering determination. His story...
In a world that’s rapidly aging, India stands out as one of the youngest countries globally, with a thriving demographic of millennials. This youthful population has...
From the tender age of five, Tanuvee Agarwal‘s heart beat to the rhythm of culinary delight, instilled in her by her grandmother’s cooking. Fast forward to...
Personalized gifting has become a ubiquitous way to convey affection and thoughtfulness, whether it’s a custom mug, keychain, photo frame, or poster. This industry, which gained...