An Electronic Geek and The Founder Of MinionLabs, Gokul Shrinivas

Gokul Shrinivas is the founder and CEO of MinionLabs which provides real-time device-level electricity consumption insights to businesses using an intelligent energy device delivered through its SaaS platform. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, MinionLabs developed an intelligent wireless gadget that simply needs to be inserted in a building’s busbar panel board. The “Minion” can fit in the palm of your hand and, without additional wires or sensors, can monitor every appliance in a house, office, or factory.
Gokul Shrinivas played state hockey before an injury destroyed his career and his chances of ever playing again. His college picks were limited as a result of the injury to his tenth board. Later, while working as an IT intern for Amazon, he realized electronics was his genuine passion. His senior year academic project led to the creation of MinionLabs, an energy-efficient construction and business consulting firm with headquarters in Bengaluru.
MinionLabs collects up to four million data points per second and makes use of the distinctive noise or energy signature that each electronic equipment makes when it is turned on. On a mobile application, the user receives real-time data on energy consumption at the device level for use and savings. Since it tracks noise patterns, it can also foretell when any appliance requires maintenance and notify the user, saving time and money.
The business expects to generate $3 million in revenue next year and is aiming for close to 300 mid- and large-size building clients.