The Main Man Behind LCOCOFF, Shailendra Awasthi

Shailendra Awasthi is the founder and chief executive officer of the company Locoff. With the support of his excellent team, Locoff launched LOCOFF, a SAAS platform that helps merchants broaden their horizons by providing them with solutions to help them enhance their store’s exposure and connectivity with their consumers. The firm has effectively raised its revenue by 900% YOY as well as retailers’ and end-users’ respective revenues by 600% and 700% YOY with the support of its unwavering efforts and commitment. Last month, shops’ retention rates reached 70%.
Shailendra had first-hand knowledge of the advantages of internet shopping over traditional purchasing in terms of price, delivery speed, and store confidence. He became aware of the ongoing disconnect between consumers and retailers as a result of the encounter. As e-commerce platforms take the lead in the industry, many stores are becoming less well known. Small retail establishments lacked the time and funding to use these e-commerce systems. Small firms are failing to take advantage of the world’s transition to digitization. The only reason why offline players are pushed against the wall and obliged to sell on these e-commerce behemoths or lose clients to them is due to a lack of technology, understanding, and affordability.
He is a senior leader in marketing and business development with extensive experience leading teams, developing plans for new ventures, and boosting transaction flow and closing rates. His favorite challenges are developing a sales organization that scales and can adapt to the rapidly changing business model of the rapidly expanding enterprise. These challenges also include branding, communications, both internal and external, product management, including pricing and market introductions. He also likes vertical and specialty sectors where using bold marketing tactics and sales techniques may have an impact.