Siavash Alimadadi in the talent identification program
Siavash Alimadadi, an Iranian rapper whose music is being popular these days, has attempted to attract talented people in terms of music

Siavash Alimadadi has launched a Talent Identification program that attracts all penniless talented singers.
Siavash Alimadadi, an Iranian rapper whose music is being popular these days, has attempted to attract talented people in terms of music, singing, playing, etc., in the TV program “Become a Star”.
So far, 500 applicants have registered for this program, but because of the current state of the world due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the registration is assigned to be online, which is difficult and takes a longer time.
Siavash Alimadadi had explained about this Talent Identification competition:
All the people who think that they are talented, but they have no financial support and the pennilessness has caused their talent to be ignored, can take part in this challenge.
There are many of these types all over the world, we are happy that we were able to perform this competition in Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan, three countries whose people are in bad mood, and perhaps by running this program, we can alleviate some of the problems of these dear people.
Siavash Alimadadi is also a successful entrepreneur in Iran.
classic music
A variety of music styles – classical music
The term classical music generally refers to a vast array of different but related styles and forms. Classical music in general only means European classical music. Of course, in some cases, the term is also used to refer to the traditional music of other nations, and combinations such as Indian Classical Music or Chinese Classical Music are invented. There is no exact definition of classical music, but in short, the works of this style are all created by musicians who have been specially and highly specialized in the field of musicology. The effect of classical music is all based on the scientific rules of music. Art Music is another term that is widely used to describe classical music and other serious and artistic methods. The phrase became especially popular in the mid-twentieth century and is used to describe any type of music, whether Western or Eastern. In popular belief, the term classical music generally refers to orchestral works.
Siavash then explained the styles of music
Pop music
There are many definitions for pop music, but the best definition can be “music from the heart of society and the hearts of the people.” The hallmark of pop music is its lively and joyful theme and relaxing aspect.
Because we know that not all people are on the same level, but when a piece called pop is to be made, and in order for it to be called pop, it must be something that, while joyful or even sad, must be taken from the womb.
It should be the community and the heart of the people so that when the text of the piece reaches the people in the form of music, they will feel happy or if they are sad, it will be a source of relief, hope and comfort that many singers of our country follow this style.
Popularity in music school is one of the most popular styles. In another definition taken from the basic definition of this style, it can be said that pop is a style consisting of several styles of music, because in pop songs we see a lot that instruments and intervals of other styles are included in it.
It should be noted that the accompanying instruments complement the work, not cause false emotional excitement with false and unrealistic stimulation and result in nothing but harm.
The most widely used instrument in the world
Music except
A variety of music styles – music except
Jazz is a special form of music whose main roots go back to the styles of Folk Blues and Regtime and European music.
This style can be considered the first major art form to emerge in the United States. This music has seen significant progress since its inception in the early twentieth century until today, and many styles such as Bop, Cool Jazz, Jazz Fusion Bebop, Hard and.
Have branched out from it. Jazz was originally an instrumental stylization. The most important instruments used in this style are saxophone and trumpet.
Other major instruments in this genre include the trumpet, piano, double bass, guitar, and drums. In older forms of jazz, the use of instruments such as banjo and clarinet was also common.
Despite the fact that in later years singers also found their way into this music and very famous poems were presented in the context of this style, nevertheless, Jazz style is still known as Instrumental music.
Jazz was at its peak between 1920 and 1950, when it became the most popular genre of music. Even pop music in those years was heavily influenced by Jazz. Jazz musicians generally used sophisticated chord structures and advanced harmonies in their works.
Making and performing jazz pieces generally requires a great deal of knowledge. This style has had many effects on new music styles such as Rock, Hip Hop and Electronica.
This style has also had many influences on Rhythem And Blues music. Today, composers of the Art Music category use many elements of Jazz music in their works.