Papaya Cultivation – The Complete Guide For A Profitable Yield 

Papaya is cultivated for fruit production. Its plants are ready to give yield in less time. Papaya is a nutrient-rich and beneficial fruit in which a good amount of vitamins are found. Apart from vitamins, an enzyme called papain is found in it, which helps reduce cholesterol and excess fat present in the body. Consumption of Papaya is beneficial for many types of diseases.
Papaya can be cultivated very easily, and its plants also become ready to produce in a year. Therefore, the interest of the farmer brothers is seen more in the cultivation of Papaya. Earlier in India, Papaya was cultivated in states like Bihar, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Assam, Uttaranchal, Jammu and Kashmir and Mizoram, but now it is grown all over India. If you also want to cultivate Papaya, then in this article, you are given information about how to grow Papaya and how much profit is made from papaya cultivation.
Soil And Climate For Papaya
Papaya can survive in any fertile soil. However, the sandy loam soil is considered most suitable for its cultivation. Papaya cultivation can be done easily in adequately drained land, and the pH value of the land should be between 6.5 and 7.5 for suitable cultivation. Also, Papaya can be cultivated in any season, but the frost falling in winter causes more damage to its plants. Its plants can tolerate a maximum of 44 and a minimum 5-degree temperature only.
Land Preparation
For good production of Papaya, the field should be well prepared. For this, the field is first well ploughed deeply. Due to this, the remains of the old crop in the field are entirely destroyed. Therefore, after the first ploughing in the field, old cow dung has to be applied per hectare. After putting the manure in the soil, two to three ploughings are done using a Kubota B2741 tractor or any powerful machinery. Then water is given in the field. When the soil dries up, then it is made friable by ploughing the field.
Fertiliser Needs
Papaya plants need a proper amount of fertilisers to grow properly. In addition to the manure of cow dung in the prepared pits, 200 GM nitrogen, 200 GM phosphorus and 400 GM potash have to be given per hectare. Good quality fruits are obtained using fertiliser after 4 months of transplanting the plants.
Sowing Season
Papaya plants can be transplanted at any time. But in non-irrigated places, it is considered appropriate to plant papaya plants in June and July, during the rainy season, which helps the plants get sufficient water. Apart from this, if you transplant the plants in irrigated places, you can also plant them in September, October and February to March. This is because its plants require average temperatures to grow.
Planting Method
Papaya plants are transplanted in the form of seedlings. For this, they are prepared in polythene. After this, the prepared plants are removed from the polythene and transplanted into their pits. If you transplant the seeds directly into the field, you have to care more for them. Therefore, the seeds are first prepared in a nursery or at home. For this, the seedlings of papaya seeds have to be planted in the nursery at a distance of 10 cm, and when the plants grow up to 20 cm, they are removed and planted in the pits. Moreover, we can utilise the Powertrac 439 Plus or any other tractor for planting tasks.
Irrigation In Papaya
Papaya plants are planted slightly above the ground surface. Therefore, its plants require more irrigation. The first irrigation of its plants is done immediately after transplanting. Its plants have to be watered twice a week in the summer season, and in the winter season, they water plants for 10 days.
Fruit Plucking
Papaya plants are ready for harvesting after 10 months of transplanting. The fruit of Papaya is green in the beginning when its fruit starts appearing attractive in yellow colour. During that time, its fruits are harvested. When a nail is attached to its raw fruit, milk comes out, and a water-like substance comes out from the ripe fruit.
Post Harvesting
After harvesting the fruits, they are properly preserved by wrapping them in the paper. Papaya fruits have to be protected from being buried. If the fruit is suppressed, the fruit will begin to spoil very soon. Therefore, when harvesting fruits, care must be taken that the fruit does not break or fall or there will be any scratches as it will damage the fruit quality. About 35 to 40 tonnes of yield is obtained in one hectare of papaya field. Its market price is good coffee.
I hope this blog has solved all your concerns regarding the process of Papaya Cultivation. Stay connected with us to read more about such farming content.