Over a decade ago, a young American embarked on a journey to India, a land of vibrant culture and diverse flavours. Bert Mueller, a student of...
In the world of fintech, there are those who simply dream, and then there are those who make those dreams a reality. Ashneer Grover, along with...
A quartet of visionary entrepreneurs, Amit Bhasin, Rishabh Karwa, Nitin Rana, and Kushal Karwa, embarked on a mission to decode ‘why’ and redefine ‘why not.’ Their...
Sabeer Bhatia, the trailblazing entrepreneur who introduced the world to Hotmail, the pioneering free email service, continues to embrace the entrepreneurial spirit. While a new generation...
In the halls of the Harvard Business School in 2004, two aspiring entrepreneurs, Rajat Verma and Justin Lemmon, embarked on their MBA journey and quickly forged...
Rahul Khanna, the Managing Partner at Trifecta Capital, has marked the first close of the firm’s third debt fund by raising Rs 750 crore. This successful...
In a world where smart minds often work on pushing advertisements, Akhil Aryan decided to shift his focus towards a more meaningful endeavour—energy sustainability, specifically, the...
In the bustling city of Bengaluru, March 2018 marked a turning point in the entrepreneurial journey of three friends: Vivekananda Hallekere, Anil G, and Varun Agni....
Starting his journey with a strong foundation in engineering, Sameer Aggarwal graduated from the prestigious IIT Kharagpur in 2006. He began his professional career at HSBC,...
The world of electric vehicles (EVs) has predominantly focused on mass-market segments in India, such as scooters and three-wheelers. However, a dynamic duo in Bengaluru, Narayan...