In December 2016, Tamanna Dhamija embarked on her entrepreneurial journey with unbridled enthusiasm. Armed with a successful career and a promising future in finance, she took...
Pallavi Shrivastava, the co-founder of Progcap, a Google-backed fintech startup providing working capital to small and medium-sized businesses, doesn’t shy away from addressing the realities of...
In the world of entrepreneurship, success often comes after a journey filled with lessons learned and challenges conquered. Minu Margeret entrepreneurial voyage is a testament to...
Anisha Dossa Aibara entrepreneurial journey has been one of purpose, perseverance, and a passion for creating impact. With a background in finance and a determination to...
In the journey of life, messages often become the guiding stars that shape one’s path. Swagatika Das, an alumna of IIT-Kharagpur, vividly remembers the powerful messages...
In November 2021, during a crucial funding pitch in Gurugram, Saumya Mittal, co-founder of a fitness SaaS platform called FitBudd, faced an audacious question from a...
Babita Sisodia, hailing from Dewas, Madhya Pradesh, found herself in a common yet challenging situation that many women in rural India face – invisibility within their...
In the world of entrepreneurship, it’s not uncommon for individuals to embark on multiple ventures, each with its unique challenges and opportunities. Anish Basu Roy, a...
Sidharth S Oberoi, the founder of LetsShave, has taken the grooming industry by storm with his innovative approach to personal care. Under his leadership, LetsShave has...
Manish Agarwal, the former CEO of Nazara Technologies, has embarked on a new entrepreneurial journey in the world of Web3 gaming. Alongside angel investor Ishank Gupta,...