Unemployment increases every week in the country, know how the statistics are collected by CMIE

When the government data was not coming during the lockdown, the trust of the private think tank Center for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) data was further increased. This week releases data related to unemployment and employment.
- CMIE releases unemployment figures every week
- Survey conducted by CMIE in 25 states of the country
- Despite being a private institution, there is considerable trust in this
In the case of unemployment data, data from the Center for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), a private think tank, is heavily relied upon. This week releases data related to unemployment and employment. When the government data was not coming during the lockdown, then the trust was further increased. But in such a vast country, how does this institution conduct a survey every week on unemployment? What is its methodology? Let’s know.
What is Methodology
According to CMIE, this survey is mainly based on 49 levels. The population is divided into state and region-wise urban and rural levels. After this, all the 25 states in which we take samples are divided into urban and rural areas.
What is sample size
CMIE surveys 1,4,405 families. Of these, there are 1,10,975 urban households which are selected from 7,920 census enumeration blocks (CEBs) in 322 cities. Similarly, 63,430 rural families are selected from 3,965 villages.
This sample size has been designed keeping in mind the decision of sample size at the level of sampling methodology and primary sampling unit (PSUs). The sample size is fixed to 320 for an urban PSU sample city and 8 to the CEB of a city. The sample size for a rural PSU sample village is 16.
There are 43,601 families in each slot. They are surveyed in a month. The mapping of each family is done in three slots, which occur at a gap of four months. This mapping remains fixed.
Sampling work is done in a month by planning for weeks. Before the start of a week, it is decided to go to the families according to the slot prescribed. After this, it is monitored whether sampling work is being done on time and quality.
How data is taken
Field workers go door-to-door to take data from a handheld GPS-equipped phone device. Immediately after the completion of the field survey, the data is uploaded from this system itself and it is cross checked at the central level so that there is no fraud in the data entry.
This entire process is monitored through a variety of means such as GPS location tracking, call back and ground supervision. So this way the survey work is completed.