The Guy who made travelling easy by founding RedBus, Phanindra Sama

Phanindra Sama is a Co-organizer and CEO of RedBus, India’s first online transport ticket booking administration. It began in 2005, and today Redbus is the biggest online transport tagging organization and organization of transport administrators in India. He is one of the establishing supporters of the Kakatiya Sandbox in Nizamabad that assists local people with chipping away at answers for squeezing issues. Telangana has delegated Phanindra as Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) for the State. He will head the State’s Innovation Cell, which centers around improving the startup environment by creating collaborative spaces and hatcheries across the State. He was as of late chosen by Endeavor as a high effect business visionary. Likewise, Businessworld casted a ballot Phanindra Reddy Sama as one of the best 5 most encouraging business people in India.
Sama hit the features last June when, was gobbled up by South African media and internet business aggregate Naspers for $135 million. The obtaining has bigger ramifications for the product marks that fellow benefactors Sama, Charan Padmaraju, and Sudhakar Pasupunuri created. Manager for transport administrators and SeatSeller for transport stock dispersion can utilize Naspers’ compass and organizations to enter new business sectors, for example, Brazil, Southeast Asia, and China.
Phanindra Sama made 22 ventures. Their most recent speculation is Seed Round Kaagaz Scanner on Nov 27, 2020.