Technical Entrepreneur who is Bringing Change With Dextroware Device, Pravin Kumar

Pravin Kumar is the founder of Dextroware Devices, promises to be a one-stop shop for the creation of cheap assistive devices.
Pravin, an engineering graduate, became an entrepreneur after realizing that people with disabilities (PwDs), particularly upper limb amputees or those who lack control over their hands and fingers, find using computers extremely difficult. As a result, Pravin developed a single solution capable of solving these issues and debuted Dextroware Devices in 2020.
Mouseware is a head-mounted wearable gadget developed by the assistive-tech business that allows users to operate computers and cellphones without using their hands. Users must put on the appropriate headgear and spin their heads in the direction in which the mouse cursor must move. The cursor on the screen moves in lockstep with the movement of the head. Smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs can all be controlled with one gadget. The nicest aspect is that we won’t force the user to wear it in a specific way. It can be worn as a cap, spectacles, headset, or headband.
Pravin’s goal with Dextroware is to make technology more accessible and affordable. He and his team will address particular issues that a vast segment of society faces on a regular basis and that are frequently disregarded by large-scale firms that manufacture products for the general public. This is to accommodate a wider range of financial, ethnic, and age groupings.
He believes that assistive technology is a gadget or programme that helps everyone work around their own obstacles, not simply differently abled persons. He aspires to develop high-demand consumer electronic goods that will make people’s lives considerably easier