Keerti Singh, the founder of Hitwicket, is a young and dynamic entrepreneur who is making a big impact in the gaming industry. Hitwicket, a popular online...
Disha Singh, founder of Zouk, is a young entrepreneur making waves in the digital world. Zouk, a digital marketing agency, provides comprehensive online marketing solutions to...
Anup Pai is the founder and the brilliant brain behind eSamudaay, India’s first community commerce platform which hopes to facilitate community commerce across cities and towns...
Anvitha Rao is the creator of Swee10, a natural, calorie-free sweetener that encourages healthy living. Swee10 has no aftertaste and doesn’t contain any dangerous chemicals. These...
For us Indians, weddings are just as much of a holiday that is joyously and joyfully observed. It involves the marriage of two families as well...
Parinay Itkan is the founder of Shypmax which is India’s first and only Crossborder Logistics Platform supported by a cutting-edge product and top-rate service. It is...
The world is full of many instances of people and companies doing the “odd,” but only a select few ensure that their actions have a truly...
Saurabh Tembhurne is the founder of SoHHytec, a company which offers cutting-edge renewable systems for on-site production of cleaner, more environmentally friendly solar electricity, heat, and...
Manoj Gopalkrishnan is the founder of Algorithmic Biologics, a firm with offices in Bengaluru that develops algorithms for molecular programming, was founded by. Healthcare, pharmaceuticals, agriculture,...
Kathan Desai is the founder of BugBase, a curated marketplace for ethical hackers that assists companies and startups in setting up bug bounty programs It is...