In the fast-paced world of venture capital, where rapid-fire decisions are the norm, Niren Shah stands out as a master of slow and meaningful investing. The...
In the world of venture capital, where risks are abundant, seasoned venture capitalist Alok Goyal acknowledges a simple truth – making mistakes is an integral part...
In the era of short videos and rapid social media interactions, the founders of Pocket FM, Rohan Nayak and Nishanth KS, dared to offer long-format audio...
In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, finding the right co-founder is often the make-or-break moment for aspiring founders. Rajiv Srivatsa, a partner at Antler India, has...
Saurav Kumar‘s journey into the world of electric vehicles (EVs) began with a childhood fascination for mathematics and robotics. His father, a mathematics and physics enthusiast,...
Microblogging platform Koo is rapidly emerging as a formidable alternative to Twitter, gaining momentum not only in India but also globally. Founded by Aprameya Radhakrishna and...
In the bustling world of entrepreneurship, few names stand out as distinctly as Yashish Dahiya‘s. The CEO and co-founder of PolicyBazaar, Yashish Dahiya, is more than...
In a dramatic turn of events during May 2021, Bhanu Chopra, Chairman, and Managing Director of RateGain, had a life-altering conversation from his farmhouse near Delhi...
Ankit Jain and Sidhant Pai, two individuals with diverse academic backgrounds and a shared vision for a sustainable future, crossed paths at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute...
Suresh Sambandam, the Founder and CEO of Kissflow, has journeyed through the highs and lows of entrepreneurship to become a prominent figure in the world of...