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Must Watch Movies For An Entrepreneur

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Must watch movies for an Entrepreneur

1.Wolf of The Wall Street (2013)

This controversial might not have provided Leonardo De Caprio with any academic awards but it rewarded with immense support from young entrepreneurs and self-employed youngsters who are successful in their own ways this movie gives important lessons regarding the fact that you can achieve a lot through your hard work but if you can’t control your habits and you can’t respect law these things will put a speed breaker in your path especially drugs, womanising and violating laws might not be good for your big-time dream.

2.Flash of Genius (2008)

Every entrepreneur must watch this movie to understand why it’s important to protect your ideas from being stolen.

3.Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999)

This classic movie shows the struggle and beginnings of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates as they built their tech empires.

4.MoneyBall (2011)

Demonstrates how entrepreneurs who put efforts in work and make well researched and educational decisions gain immense success.

Also some lessons such as –

1. Having startup capital doesn’t automatically mean success.

2.Working with a partner can bring other ideas and a different perspective on the problems

3.Try new methods of approach

5 . Joy (2015)

It is a movie about perseverance and overcoming business problems through hard work and dedication. It showcases how using different marketing and platforms can boost sales and brand awareness on large scale.

6.The Founder ( 2016 )

One of the best movies for those in the sales and marketing sectors. The giant food chain Mc Donald’s is known worldwide. This movie is about the two brothers who started the company and the man who actually founded the global food chain.

7.Wall Street (1987)

One of the best business movies of all time for young money brokers. It highlights both the emotional highs and devastating lows of being a part of the business world.