Mary Blackford and her healthy Market 7

Mary Blackford is the Founder of Market 7, D.C’s. first Black-possessed food lobby that highlights Black-claimed food and way of life organizations to lighten food and retail deserts.
Mary Blackford was motivated to make Market 7 while on an instructing excursion to Ghana, where she saw firsthand how vital local area markets were to underserved occupants. In 2017, she started facilitating spring up business sectors in Ward 7 to set up Black retailers and metropolitan ranchers before the Neighborhood Development Group offered her a committed space at its Benning Market advancement. In July, Essence granted Blackford $150,000 to kick off Market 7 as a feature of the magazine’s “Build Your Legacy” rivalry with Pine-Sol.
The commercial center started as a swap meet in a parking garage that united dark organizations to address the issues of local people. After two years Market 7 flaunts 60 independent company merchants and as of late tracked down a perpetual home in a 7,000 squarefoot food lobby. The goals of the new food lobby are to mitigate food deserts in Ward 7 by making a commercial center sourced with items and food ideas by Black-claimed organizations, advance great wellbeing through reasonable way of life items, and fabricate an environment of help for business people with an end goal to develop admittance to instructive assets, move advancement, and construct productive undertakings.
Market 7’s central goal is to rejuvenate and reestablish the monetary soundness, all encompassing wellbeing, and the social requirements of the inhabitants in Ward 7 by creating feasible trade inside the local area. In the course of the most recent 3 years Market 7 has worked with 60 dark claimed organizations in the Washington, DC region to make elective local area market pop-ups that incorporate new food, way of life items, and home things in Ward 7.