America’s famous bike company Harley Davidson has launched the bike ‘Street 750’ in the Indian market in line with the Bharat Stage-Six (BS-VI) emission standards. Its price is 5.47 lakh rupees. The company has completed ten years of operations in India. The company has also introduced a limited edition of India inspired graphics of this model. Only 300 units will be sold. Steps are being taken to encourage electric vehicles in the country. In view of this, Harley Davidson also demonstrated its electric motorcycle ‘Live Wire’ here. It will be rotated in four cities.
“As the first manufacturer of electric bikes in the premium segment, we are thrilled to be showcasing live wire in the country,” Harley Davidson India Managing Director Sajeev Rajasekharan told reporters here. We will continue to invest more in our products. ”
However, the company did not disclose its plans to commercially introduce electric bikes in the Indian market.