Founder and CEO Of Tribevest, Travis Smith

Travis Smith is the Founder and CEO of Tribevest which is a collaborative group investing platform that allows friends and family to organise as an investor group, pool money, and manage joint assets.
Travis Smith fantasised aloud about accumulating generational riches and permanently changing their family’s financial fate. However, he’d never been exposed to private investing methods, and wealth accumulation seemed out of reach. Travis and his siblings understood that if they worked together, they could overcome their lack of experience and knowledge. However, they had to face a more evident and immediate obstacle: they lacked the funds necessary to enter wealth-building, freedom-building investments. They unlocked a new future and the secrets of the wealthy by organising and funding an Investor Tribe.
Tribevest is on the cusp of a new era in which the ideal of financial independence will become a reality for the vast majority of people. According to a Credit Suisse report, the wealthiest 1% of the global population owns almost half of the world’s wealth.
When you combine widespread dissatisfaction with the stock market with limited involvement in Real Estate (and other alternative investments), you have a desperate need for realistic alternatives that people can invest in, as well as platforms that empower them to do so. Tribevest’s primary belief is that by developing and funding local investment groups, they may unearth a variety of feasible investment paths to personal financial independence.