First Generation Entrepreneur, Dr Florida Tilton

Dr.Florida Tilton is the Chairperson and Managing Director of Biozone Research Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Biozone Research Technologies Pvt Ltd. is an administration perceived lab that got going as a Bioscience ability improvement association and afterward slowly moved into the Contract research area.
Florida is an original business visionary, with longer than a time of involvement with the biotechnology area. Her territories of exploration skill incorporate Molecular Research, Herbal Sciences, Phytobiotechnology, Radioisotope encouraged Genomic contemplates, Plant tissue culture, Genome examination, Genetic upgrade of Plants, Molecular oncology and bioinformatics. She began her vocation as a Scientific Personnel at SPIC foundation.Currently she heads Biozone Research Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a Biosciences fire up big business based out of Chennai. It offers contract research scholarly and mechanical preparing, distributing administrations and sustainable power arrangements in its business bunch.
She got a Post Graduate distinctions certificate in Plant Biology and qualified as a Master of Philosophy in Plant Genetics from the University of Madras. Her doctoral exploration was in the field of Plant Molecular science and Cancer focused on phytotherapy. She has almost 25 years of mechanical examination and scholarly involvement with the field of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics.
Throughout the long term, she has been welcome to give addresses and make mindfulness in Biotechnology at different scholastic organizations like SRM University, Vels University, SSN College of designing, VIT University, Loyola College, Alpha College, Sree Balaji Medical College, Saveetha Dental College, GRD College among others. Her spearheading endeavors in instructing and working on research in the field of Biotechnology have acquired statewide acknowledgment and approval.