Excelling his field with SoHHytec, Saurabh Tembhurne

Saurabh Tembhurne is the founder of SoHHytec, a company which offers cutting-edge renewable systems for on-site production of cleaner, more environmentally friendly solar electricity, heat, and hydrogen. Using their cutting-edge, patented technology, SoHHytec produces co-generation systems for the economically advantageous on-site production of solar fuel and power.
Saurabh grew up in the suburbs of India and has long observed how human beings are inescapably dependent on fossil fuels and how their consumption is the primary source of pollution. His research sent him to Switzerland, where he attended EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) to seek a doctorate in the area of solar fuels. Together with his co-founder Prof. Sophia Haussener, he assembled a team in 2015 and began to concentrate on turning the concept into a commercially viable product. With funding from the Swiss Innovation Agency and Swiss National Science Foundation, he began the product’s prototype development immediately after receiving his doctorate. Finally, in 2019, SoHHytec was formally launched after the initial product-scale pilot demonstrations.
Their unique technique, which is based on an integrated photo-electrochemical pathway, has one of the greatest system efficiency ratings and one of the highest solar to hydrogen conversion ratings. It is also substantially less expensive than the rival traditional approaches.
Arb, a product from SoHHytec, is influenced by trees. Additionally, it uses only the sun and water as input resources and requires little ground or roof space to simultaneously create Fuel (hydrogen, oxygen), Power (electricity), and Heat (heat).