Entertainment industry helping their staff in this:- Pandemic

As the whole world is aware what all of us are going through. We all know that we all are in such a bad phase where this Coronavirus (Covid-19) has affected the life of a number of people. Some of them are not in world now, some of them are kicked out of their jobs due to financial crisis.
During this Covid-19 situation our entertainment industries top most network partners “Sony & Zee” both are treating most of their staff members as their family. Zee Network who mostly shoots their TV serials in the wonderful FILM CITY has taken an initiative that whether their staff members are working with them directly or indirectly they would be helping them financially. Till date the network partner have helped 5,000 daily wage earners.
Sony Pictures Network (SPN) has decided that they would give a handsome amount of Rs 10 crore to provide the salary to daily wage earners of M&E industry. The network is not stopping over here they have also declared that they would be supporting by giving groceries to 50,000 daily wage earners. Apart from this the well known Viacom18 partners have partnered with the well known giveIndia to launch a fundraising to support daily wage earners from different industries not only this through social platform they would encourage the Indians to contribute in this as much they can.