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COVID-19: More than one billion people in the world can be extremely poor: report



New Delhi The COVID-19 coronavirus can cause more than one billion people in the world to be poor. More than half of the 395 million people in the poorest population will be from South Asia. This has been said in a recent report. According to the report, the region of South Asia will have the highest poverty and it will be the largest region in the world. 

Actually, researchers from King’s College London and Australian National University gave this information in a study. The study is published in a new journal from the United Nations University’s Center for Global Developmental Economics Research. 

According to the study, poverty will increase the most in developing countries with middle income group leading to global increase in poverty. According to the study, if the income of $ 1.90 per day is considered as a measure of poverty and if the epidemic falls by 20 percent, then an additional 39.5 crore will fall in the category of extremely poor. More than half of these people will be from South Asian countries. 

The main reason for this is the poor population of India’s large population. Of the new entrants in the morass of poverty, 30 per cent, or 11.9 million will be in the Sahara Desert countries of Africa. In such a situation, the number of poor in developing countries of South Asia and East Asia may increase again. The study said that due to the crisis caused by the epidemic, the number of poor worldwide can reach above one billion.