In the heart of Delhi, a transformative journey is unfolding as Abhishek Mohan, along with co-founders Aradhna Rai and Shrey Jain, leads HempStreet, a start-up making...
In the dynamic realm of fintech, where the choice between building capabilities and strategic acquisitions is a perpetual challenge, PayU, under the leadership of visionaries Vijay...
The entrepreneurial journey of Nikita Nikalje, founder of The Communication Room, serves as a testament to resilience and adaptability in the face of unprecedented challenges. Starting...
Indian fintech trailblazer, Razorpay, has raised a staggering $160 million in its latest funding round, marking a significant leap in its valuation from $1 billion to...
In the ever-evolving landscape of start-up funding, the journey from ideation to securing the crucial first seed cheque has often been marred by challenges. Entrepreneurs face...
In the competitive realm of cashback and coupons, CashKaro, founded by the dynamic husband-wife duo Swati and Rohan Bhargava, has carved its niche as India’s leading...
In the rapidly evolving landscape of Indian start-ups, Florian Reichert, Partner and Managing Director at Picus Capital, brings a unique perspective to the table. With a...
In the dynamic landscape of India’s start-up ecosystem, stories of entrepreneurs who embark on transformative journeys often stand out. The narrative of Chalo, an intra-city mobility...
In the heartlands of rural India, where challenges are manifold, Ajaita Shah, the founder of Frontier Markets, has been a catalyst for change. Her journey, which...
In the dynamic world of Indian start-ups, one name consistently stands out—Scott Shleifer, the partner at Tiger Global Management, a New York-based hedge fund. Shleifer’s strategic...