Anand Lakshman brought a Storm in the Startup Industry by founding AddressHealth

Anand Lakshman is a clinical specialist and general wellbeing business visionary. He is organizer and CEO, AddressHealth. AddressHealth Solutions India Pvt Ltd was established with a dream to guarantee that each kid achieves a condition of positive wellbeing. AddressHealth presently operates three facilities in Bangalore that give all inclusive resources to pediatric essential medical care administrations.
He is a Public Health Management Professional with more than 10 years of involvement working with government, global offices and NGOs at locale, state, public and worldwide levels. With significant involvement with building local area based wellbeing frameworks and projects, Dr. Anand loans AddressHealth its center vision and diagram. He is a specialist wellbeing director with a demonstrated history in his work with the WHO, Micronutrient Initiative and as advisor to the World Bank.
The AddressHealth Solutions India Pvt Ltd. office address is situated at H-8,Midc Ambad Nashik. The organization goes under Healthcare Services enterprises, Present workers check around 501 – 1000.
Anand was the chief of Coordinator, Planning and Knowledge Management, Asia for the organization Micronutrient Initiative from 2005 to 2010. There he Coordinated the arranging interaction inside MI Asia and controlled the planning of the medium term vital designs for 6 nation workplaces. He likewise Worked on creating hierarchical key arrangement for the country and rebuilt the worldwide key arrangement inside the time of 2007 to 2012. Anand Developed and upheld the execution in a nation of savvy program checking frameworks.
Following one year of arrangement of AddressHealth, the organization dispatched the School wellbeing program. Prior, it began in six schools covering wellbeing registration of around 4000 kids. Fundamentally, the program is an activity to check the total wellbeing of understudies. Under this program, they check vision, hearing capacity, teeth, and so on Truth be told, it’s a finished clinical assessment of understudies from head-to-toe.
Also, they have planned an educational program for the understudy of class first to 5. This educational plan covers substances identified with sound conduct according to the time of understudies. Additionally, it gives data identified with physical and mental conduct changes during the developmental age. As of now, AddressHealth effectively giving this program in around 250 schools.