Ami Bhansali providing pleasure to customers in a cup with Chai Diaries Teas

Ami Bhansali is the Founder and CEO at Chai Diaries Teas which is a worldwide tea brand whose mission is to help you practice care in your day by day schedule.
She assists individuals with understanding their life reason by making a careful encounter for them over some tea. Chai Diaries teas are accessible in the USA and India. Before Chai Diaries I helped to establish RpH, a fiercely effective PR Company in India, trailed by ASB Consultancy which zeroed in on extravagance showcasing and media relations.
Something beyond some tea, Chai Diaries, set up in California, the US, in 2013 offers buyers “solace in a cup”. The assortment of hand-mixed, premium teas under the Chai Diaries umbrella incorporate mixes like Ayurveda, Black, Blooming, Instant Chai, Green, Oolongs, Pu’erh and White teas. Appropriated in the US and India, Chai Diaries mixes are valued for their fragrances, lovely taste and perfection of flavor.
Chai Diaries has 51 mixes of claim to fame teas, and we are continually developing. They have practical experience in free leaf teas, biodegradable tea bags and moment chai premixes. Our mixes are altogether normal, with no additional sugars or fake fixings. They utilize natural fixings at every possible opportunity. Their teas are sourced straightforwardly from tea cultivates and are hand mixed.
Having a place with the third era of tea cultivators and producers, Ami Bhansali accepts that tea is in a real sense in her blood.
Ami and her group’s most recent expansion is “The Mommy and Me“, roused by parenthood. Chai Diaries dispatched three no-caffeine flavors with fixings that advance wellbeing in the two moms and youngsters. The dispatch of this line opens up promising circumstances for kids’ birthday celebrations, giveaways, child showers, and other gifting choices.