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Top 5 Education (Learning & Development) Tools to Help You Assess Your Abilities & Skills 



In pursuit of learning, students need to be aware of how well they’re integrating their course lessons so that they don’t fall too far behind their peers/friends.

This approach to knowing how much they have progressed over time in their specialisation learning is known as self-assessment. 

Writing specialists delivering case-study help consider it a powerful strategy for quality learning and enhancing students’ overall skills and abilities. 

Such experts even believe that students who resort to self-assessment are more efficacious learners /exponents of their chosen course specialisation. 

Such students who constantly want to keep improving with time tend to be more motivated and engaged than others. They possess an abundance of self-confidence and are open to adapting and improvising their learning approach for their greater good. This is more so if their earlier methods didn’t yield their desired outcomes. 

In short, self-assessment facilitates self-directed learning for wilful students and guides them toward higher achievement.

That’s why self-assessment is so crucial for students and why many teachers (offline or online) wholeheartedly endorse this fruitful practice worldwide.

If you believe self-assessment will help you improve your learning and overall skills and capabilities, then here are 5 L&D (learning & development) educational tools to use immediately.

This post indexes and explains each of these online assessment tools lucidly. So continue reading!

5 Educational Tools to Help Students Assess Their Abilities & Skills

1.      Socrative

First on our list is Socrative – one of the most favoured online assessment tools for teachers, students and parents. 

The tool is easy to use and allows you to set quizzes, answer them, grade them and perform an overall assessment on-demand at lightning speed.

Moreover, parents and teachers can create full quizzes for in-depth learning, shuffle questions and even preserve them for future use. Furthermore, teachers can also use it to provide instant feedback, check the class count and even create polls.

The tool is compatible with all smart devices, be it windows, android or iOS. Plus, it is free for students (& others) to use. 

2.      Mentimeter

Second, on our list of learning and development educational tools is Mentimeter. It comes feature-laden with lots of goodies to help augment students’ course-centric skills and abilities. 

Students will find lots of educational templates. The tool also includes assessments for improving their active listening skills, ice-breakers, pools, formative assessments, post-lecture assessments, etc. 

That’s not all.

Students can also set quizzes and tests (as per their suitability) to evaluate their knowledge, manage their expectations and even engage with other students. 

The tool is free and comes with an easy interface. But, of course, it also comes with a pro version for schools/colleges/universities to add question slide presentations, countless quizzes and lots more.

The tool can also be used by parents or tuition teachers to monitor the learner’s performance.

3.      Pools Everywhere

If you wish to assess your learning every step, Pools Everywhere is another effective online tool. 

Much like the ones mentioned, this tool has a simple user interface. It allows users/students to participate in quizzes and measure their grades and improvements over time at their comfortable pace. 

This impressively adaptive tool easily integrates with notable applications like MS PowerPoint, Google Slides and Keynote. Moreover, this tool is also compatible with android and iOS smart devices. 

Students can take a snapshot of areas they need to improve. Plus, they or their parents or teachers can create questions or quizzes in word clouds, open student responses or even in MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) format. 

This tool is an excellent medium to steer students in the right learning direction and improve their skills and abilities.

4.      Kahoot

This is arguably the most popular learning and development tool on our list. And with good reasons too!

Students simple love ‘Kahoot’ for its game-simulation approach to acquiring proper learning and conducting accurate assessment. The tool features approximately 40 million learning games to use. Moreover, it also allows students or their tutors /parents to create their educational games within minutes.

Moreover, respective students can easily create their kahoots and share them with their peers to entice interactive engagement. They can also import critical quizzes or questions from spreadsheets. Plus; the tool provides them with a 500 million item question bank to take advantage of. 

That’s not all.

If you intend to add drawings or merge mini kahoots to your large-sized assignment, you can do that without fuss. You can also incorporate YouTube videos into your lesson plan to spice things up.

Another impressive aspect here is that the assignment games are timed, and you can even download the rudimentary assessment report as a spreadsheet. 

The tool is free and compatible with iOS and Android smart devices.

5.      Google Forms

In addition to the above names, Google Forms is another online self-assessment tool to improve your learning and development. 

The tool is very straightforward to use. And it is also a common preference among countless students and teachers worldwide. 

The tool offers respective users (teacher, parent, even the student) to create MC (Multiple choice) quizzes and establish an answer key with assignment points for every short quiz or question.

It makes it easy for learners to present answers to each set of quizzes by hitting the drop-down option and entering a quick text answer.

They can even browse through graphs, course/topic summaries and solutions to questions repeatedly missed out or unanswered. 

In simple terms, students can get a quick recapitulation of their entire subject course. What’s more, the tool also allows students to easily share their grades with their friends.

Final Lines 

There you have it – top 5 online educational L&D tools for students to perform self-assessment. However, they can also be used by their parents and tuition teachers- as per necessity.

Each online free tool is engaging, guarantees proper learning and skill improvement and provides accurate assessment outcomes every time. 

So, don’t overthink this. Instead, try these tools out today, and decide for yourself.

And of course, remember; if you do get stuck with an assignment or essay paper (regardless of the subject or its topic) unhesitantly reach out to professional research paper writing service experts.

They will be happy to write it down flawlessly, send it to you via email and ensure you get the grades you deserve.

Author’s Bio

Charles Reiley is a full time academic research paper writing specialist associated with for half a decade. He loves to teach and deliver on-demand assignment solutions to students needing help with English, History, Science, Sociology and Law. Charley is a free-spirited men who enjoys the simple pleasures of life and loves to travel to far-off remote locations to unwind and communicate with Mother Nature.

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Statement from IDigitalAKKI Media: Addressing Recent Reviews by Hikaya and Upholding Our Commitment to Integrity



Gurugram, India – At IDigitalAKKI Media, we take immense pride in our commitment to delivering high-quality digital marketing services to our clients. Recently, we have observed a series of negative reviews on platforms such as Trustpilot and Google Reviews, primarily originating from a single individual under the pseudonym “HIKAYA.” It is important for us to address these allegations and provide clarity to our clients and the public.

The Allegations

The reviews accuse IDigitalAKKI Media of making false promises regarding Wikipedia page creation services, claiming that after receiving payment, we failed to respond to further communications and deliver the promised services. The reviews also allege that we requested additional payments for services and used abusive language.

Our Response

Firstly, we must highlight that these reviews were posted through fake accounts, a practice that is both illegal and unethical. Impersonating individuals to malign a company’s reputation is a serious offense. None of the reviews were posted through Hikaya’s real account, indicating an attempt to mislead and manipulate public perception.

When we initially asked the client for their name to raise an invoice, they provided the name “Skyddad Identitet,” which means “protected identity.” Despite this, we proceeded to provide the service first and then requested payment. The client delayed the payment by more than 24 hours, contrary to our agreement that the payment would be made immediately upon service delivery.

Regarding the services in question, we have fulfilled our obligations. The Wikipedia page for the client went live on July 28th and was handed over to the client. As part of our commitment to resolving the situation amicably, we also agreed to provide additional services, including 10,000 Instagram followers and a guarantee document for the stability of the Wikipedia page. Our statement to the client was:

“Dear Hikaya, We are going to provide you with a live link of Wikipedia, 10K followers, and a guarantee of stability. From which we already provided you Wikipedia and now within 24-48 hours we are going to provide 10K followers and the document. Meanwhile, the review which was posted by you on our company page should be removed from your side. Otherwise, it will create a conflict of interest and UPE on Wikipedia automatically. Thanks.”

Despite our efforts to meet these additional requests, the client continued to post negative reviews and threatened legal action if these additional services were not provided immediately. The client’s response was:

“That was the original deal that you couldn’t provide so why should I believe you now suddenly? Our new deal was that I will receive a receipt for the refund today and I should get the money back in a day or two. That deal will remain. However, we can extend our deal of the refund to 2 more days so that you can prove that you will do all 3 things above within a maximum of 48 hours. If all will be provided and maintained, of course, there will be a positive review and my experience would have changed so the old review will be taken down. If not all those 3 things are provided within a maximum of 48 hours, the refund will be done according to the deal and a receipt and transaction should be provided before this weekend.”

Additionally, the client expressed dissatisfaction after the page was handed over and requested a refund, stating:

“You can take it down after I get the refund. I don’t want your services. Yes, if you read our whole e-mail conversation you will find that I was given the option of a refund or an updated plan. However, the updated plan you promised didn’t work out for you as I haven’t seen any of the promises you made in that e-mail. I’m sure you have the right skills to do these things, but I lost trust and interest after your failures.”

Furthermore, the client demanded additional free services worth over $2,000, including Google Knowledge Panel creation and transferring the page to the standard Wikipedia, which were not part of the original agreement. In the client’s email, they stated:

“A resolution instead of a refund could be that you finally provide everything above and make the transition and panel without extra charges. I won’t transfer any money to your company again until time and evidence have shown that the things you do are accurate and won’t get down or vanish. So in short, you can keep the money and rebuild the relation with me as a customer and reverse any consequences if you:

  1. Re-upload the page with necessary edits [that you guys make, not me, because you have the responsibility to double-check to not violate the guidelines regardless of my opinions about edits].
  2. Make a transfer to the original Wikipedia [which already was the deal to start with when I was contacted by Gloster Media until it changed to “Simple Wikipedia”].
  3. A document or an email where you guarantee to always, without any charges, reupload and maintain the page without having it taken down.
  4. I’d provide a knowledge-panel as a gift for all the burden.
  5. I’d provide the IG document you talked about [even if this is not my priority currently].”

It is important to clarify that the claim that our CEO, Mr. Aakash Kumar Jha, used abusive language is false. In fact, it was the client who used abusive language, directly referring to our CEO as “bullshit.” The term “bullshit” is vulgar slang for something that is nonsense or lies, but in this context, it was used as a direct insult. We maintain professional conduct in all our communications and do not tolerate abusive behavior.

The Reality of the Situation

The individual behind these reviews has engaged in what can only be described as blackmail, demanding refunds and additional free services under the threat of posting negative reviews. This behavior is unprofessional and contrary to the ethical standards we uphold at IDigitalAKKI Media. Our commitment is to deliver value to our clients through transparency and integrity, and we do not succumb to coercion.

Our Stance on Ethical Business Practices

As a PR-specialized company, we have the capacity to issue statements and conduct public relations campaigns to clarify our position. Our objective is not to defame individuals but to present the truth. We remain steadfast in our mission to provide exceptional services and maintain our clients’ trust.

Moving Forward

IDigitalAKKI Media will continue to serve our clients with dedication and uphold the highest standards of ethical business practices. We encourage any client with concerns to reach out to us directly so we can address them promptly and professionally.

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The Skinny Confidential/IDigitalAKKI Media – Unsettled Payments: A Lesson in Professionalism



In the fast-paced world of digital services, collaboration is key to achieving successful outcomes. However, there are instances when a seemingly smooth project takes an unexpected turn, leaving one party in a challenging situation.

Recently, our company (IDigitalAKKI Media) had the privilege of working with Lauryn Evarts Bosstick (The Skinny Confidential), a prominent figure in the digital entrepreneurship sphere. The project involved the creation and launch of Lauryn’s Wikipedia page, a task we undertook with enthusiasm and dedication.

As part of our standard operating procedure, we communicated the importance of settling an advance payment before initiating the project. Despite a mutual understanding, unforeseen circumstances with their preferred payment method, PayPal, led to complications. To accommodate, we provided alternative payment options, including bank transfers within the same country for added convenience.

Regrettably, even with our flexibility and willingness to work through challenges, the payment remains outstanding. Despite numerous attempts to communicate and find a resolution, our emails have gone unanswered.

This scenario raises questions about professionalism and commitment to financial agreements. In an industry that thrives on collaboration and trust, it is disheartening when a project’s successful completion is overshadowed by unresolved financial matters.

It is crucial to recognize the impact such situations can have on service providers, not just in terms of financial loss but also in terms of the strain it places on the professional relationship. This experience serves as a reminder of the importance of clear communication, mutual respect, and honoring financial commitments in collaborative endeavors.

As we navigate through this situation, our commitment to providing quality services remains unwavering. We hope this incident sparks a broader conversation about the importance of fair and timely financial practices in the digital business landscape.

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Unfortunate Experience with The Stronghold Group LLC: A Lesson in Professional Integrity



In the dynamic world of business, collaborations and partnerships are forged with the expectation of mutual trust and professionalism. Recently, our organization, IDigitalAKKI Media, had an unfortunate experience that prompts us to reflect on the importance of integrity and communication in the business landscape.

The Stronghold Group LLC, represented by Mr. Dave Henderson, approached us for their branding needs. Eager to provide our services, we quoted a fair price of $600 USD for the project, and upon agreement, requested a 50% advance payment for security and to initiate the work.

However, what unfolded next took us by surprise. After completing the project with dedication and professionalism, we discovered that the payment made via PayPal had been disputed. Concerned, we reached out to Mr. Henderson, only to find ourselves blocked and unable to communicate with him.

We understand that disputes can arise within any organization, but effective communication is the key to resolving them amicably. It is disheartening to face such challenges, especially when we pride ourselves on delivering quality work and maintaining transparent relationships with our clients.

In the spirit of transparency, we want to share this experience as a cautionary tale for other businesses. In an interconnected world, it is crucial to prioritize open communication, professionalism, and adherence to agreements. Disputes are a natural part of business, but addressing them with honesty and integrity is paramount to maintaining a positive reputation.

While we explore legal avenues to address this matter, we encourage other businesses to be vigilant and prioritize robust communication channels. Contracts and agreements should be clear and comprehensive, outlining payment terms and dispute resolution mechanisms.

Our aim is not to defame The Stronghold Group LLC or Mr. Dave Henderson, but rather to highlight the importance of maintaining professionalism and trust in business relationships. As we navigate through this challenge, we hope to emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient in our commitment to delivering exceptional services to our clients.

In conclusion, let this be a reminder to all businesses that, in the face of challenges, professionalism and open communication can lead to resolutions that benefit all parties involved.

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